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HR+, HER2-, Metastatic Breast Cancer Symptoms
Metastatic Breast Cancer Symptoms

Up to 30% of people who have been diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer may eventually develop stage 4 metastatic breast cancer (mBC), or advanced breast cancer, and while early-stage symptoms like lumps in the breast or change in breast appearance can be detected through a self-exam, breast cancer symptoms can become more difficult to detect once the cancer has advanced and metastasized in other parts of the body.

Approximately 6% of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time are diagnosed with mBC at the time of initial diagnosis. Approximately 20-30% of women initially diagnosed with early-stage disease will eventually develop metastatic breast cancer.

There are certain signs and symptoms of advanced breast cancer to be aware of, and they can vary depending on where cancer is located. It's important to understand where advanced breast cancer can spread in the body. The information below may help.

Breast Cancer Most Commonly Spreads To: